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Chemex vs V60 Coffee Makers – What’s The Difference?

Will Beck
Last Updated: August 18th, 2023

A good cup of coffee can make getting out of bed in the morning so much easier. Knowing that you have a delicious morning experience waiting for you can ease you into your day.

However, there are so many coffee makers on the market today. Two that have been trending recently are the Chemex and the V60. Let’s take a look at these two coffee makers and what makes them so special. 

Chemex or V60?

chemex or v60 coffee

You may be asking yourself if both produce great coffee, how can I compare Chemex vs V60 coffee? There are definitely a few important points to keep in mind. 

  • Made of Non-Porous Borosilicate Glass
  • Easy to Use
  • purest Flavor Experience
  • User Controls the Flow, Timing and Temperature
  • Easy to Use
  • Deeper Layering of Coffee Grounds
Lasso Brag

The Chemex was invented in 1941 and is a modern design featuring heat-resistant glass. Chemex coffee makers produce a bold coffee that is free from any sediment and extremely smooth due to its thick filter.

Since coffee made using a Chemex is low in acidity, the flavor of the coffee really shines in this method.

The V60 is a pour over style coffee maker that is portable and gets its name from the perfect 60-degree angle of the cone.

Coffee made using a V60 is delicate, flavorful, and smooth, but it is slightly stronger than coffee made in a Chemex. 

How Are They Made?

how are they made

Making coffee in a Chemex may seem complicated at first, but becomes routine once you get the hang of it.

First, you will place a specialty filter in the top portion of the maker. The three layers of the specialty filter should be aligned with the spout.

Next, hot water is poured over the filter and into the bottom portion of the Chemex in a process called “rinsing.” This will improve the overall flavor of the coffee.

Once the water is discarded, coffee grounds that have been ground to a medium coarseness are placed in the filter, and hot water is poured over the grounds.

The water will work its way through the grounds in a similar process to a drip coffee maker, before dripping into the bottom portion of the Chemex. The brewing process takes about 4 minutes and 30 seconds. 

Making coffee with a V60 is easy as well but requires some preciseness. The V60 is placed on top of a mug and filter paper is folded along the seam to form a cone.

The cone is placed in the V60 and “rinsed” with hot water to improve flavor. That water is discarded and the coffee grounds are placed in the cone.

Next, the V60 is shaken until the coffee flattens out. 50 grams of hot water are then poured over the coffee and allowed to sit for 30 seconds to “bloom” it. 100 mg of water is then poured over the grounds in a circular motion, and the whole mixture sits for 60 seconds.

Finally, add the remaining 50g of water and wait for the water to drip through to the mug below. It should take between 2 and 3 minutes.  

What Are They Made of?

A Chemex is made from heat-resistant glass that is blown into a funnel shape. The top part of the coffee maker features a cone shape that has an opening at the base, allowing the coffee to drip into the reservoir below.

The top also has a spout to pour coffee from once brewing is complete. A wooden and leather collar is often added between the top and bottom to allow the user to pour without coming in contact with the hot glass. Special triple-layer coffee filters are used with this style maker.

The original V60 is made of ceramic, though other materials are now used. Shaped like a funnel with a saucer on the bottom, it sits on top of a mug or jug and has ridges up its sides, which are a perfect 60 degrees.

It is extremely heat resistant and uses filters that can be found in most grocery stores. 

Chemex vs V60, How Are They Similar?

how are they similar

Both the Chemex and V60 coffee makers produce an extremely flavorful coffee and both are made from heat-resistant materials.

These coffee makers each rely on filters to remove sediment and as a result, the coffee produced in each of them is very smooth and clear.

They both benefit from the use of a gooseneck kettle to pour hot water over the grounds and then use drip coffee action to extract flavor from the beans.  

Price, Grind Size, Caffeine Percentage, Brew Time Comparison


  • Cost: $45-$60
  • Coffee grind: Medium coarseness
  • Caffeine: 80 mg per 8 oz
  • Brew Time: 4 minutes 30 seconds 
  • Flavor and Taste: Balanced, flavor-forward, smooth 


  • Cost: $20-$40
  • Coffee grind: Fine grind 
  • Caffeine: 82 mg per 8 oz
  • Brew Time: 2-3 minutes
  • Flavor and Taste: Delicate, flavor-forward, some grit

Regardless of which you use, the Chemex or the V60, the results will be a great cup of coffee.

The cost for both is similar in range, though the Chemex does have some more expensive options available.

While the caffeine levels of each are nearly identical, the two use different coffee grinds, the Chemex is best with a medium grind and the V60 benefits from a finer grind. This is in part because of the different filters.

The Chemex uses a triple-layered filter whereas the V60 uses a traditional pour over filter, which is thinner. These different filters also account for the difference in texture and taste.

Chemex coffee is bold and flavorful and extremely clear and smooth due to the three layers of filtration. V60 coffee is slightly more delicate, though still flavor forward. It can be grittier than Chemex, though it is still smoother than most other methods. 

How To Drink Chemex vs V60


Chemex coffee is so smooth and flavorful that it can truly be enjoyed with no additives, however, many people enjoy adding milk or cream and sugar for a traditional taste.

If you’re feeling creative and want to try something different, a Chemex Americano is a twist on a classic cocktail, but suitable for mornings! The ingredients may seem at odds, but if you trust the process it’s surprisingly good!

Chemex Americano


  • 2 oz Chemex brewed coffee
  • 5 oz seltzer water (room temperature)
  • 2 oz orange juice (preferably fresh)
  • ½ oz simple syrup (or sweetener to taste)

Add ice to your glass and add the seltzer water over the ice. Next, add the espresso before finally adding the orange juice and simple syrup. The order does matter and will result in a refreshing and unique breakfast beverage. 


V60 coffee is delicate and flavor-forward, you don’t want to overpower it but many people enjoy a splash of milk (or milk alternative) and sweetener.

If you are looking for another fun way to enjoy this coffee, consider making a Siciliano which is a great after-dinner drink.

V60 Siciliano

v60 siciliano

  • 1 ½ oz V60 coffee
  • 2 oz sweet vermouth
  • 1 oz amaro
  • 1 oz simple syrup
  • Club soda to taste

Add ice to a tall glass and combine all ingredients except the club soda. Stir to chill and add club soda to taste. Enjoy on a hot day or after a good meal! 



If you like the boldness and flavor of Chemex coffee, but want a more hands-off approach. you may want to consider a percolator.

Percolators run the water through coffee twice, which means it is more flavorful than many other methods. Percolators do not require filters as they have a built-in basket.

You may also want to consider a traditional drip coffee maker, which produces a similar coffee to the Chemex, but allows you to make larger quantities. The filters are also more affordable and easy to find.

V60 coffee makers produce a delicious brew, but there are other coffee makers out there that do the same. The Clever Dripper looks similar to a V60 but it uses immersion brewing as opposed to a pour over method. It is similar in price though it can be made from durable plastic.

The Kalita Wave coffee maker uses a pour over method but requires less rigidity with adding water than the V60. The filters also reduce the coffee’s contact with the sides, which reduces total heat exposure. 

Chemex vs V60 – FAQs 


Which came first?

The Chemex coffee maker predates the V60. The Chemex was invented in the 1940s by an engineer who was inspired by the funnels in his laboratory.

The goal of the Chemex creator was to make a coffee that had the flavor of the French Press, with the ease of the drip coffee maker, but without the gritty texture.

An early V60 prototype was developed in the 1950s and has become popular with the Japanese company Hario producing the V60 that we know today much more recently. 

Which is stronger?

The Chemex produces a more intense coffee, though both are similar in caffeine levels and flavor. 

Which is the most popular?

Until recently, the Chemex was the more popular, having been invented first. The V60’s popularity has recently increased worldwide after a Japanese company perfected the design. 

Which is easier to clean?

The V60 is slightly easier to clean. Some people find the bottleneck of the Chemex difficult to remove particles from.

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About The Author

Will Beck

Will is a true digital nomad, taking his work on the road at every opportunity. His first love is coffee, with whiskey a close 2nd. He loves nothing more than enjoying a perfectly brewed coffee with spectacular scenery whilst he coordinates behind the scenes of the Drink Stack blog!

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