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The Best AeroPress Accessories for 2024

Charl Joost
Last Updated: December 30th, 2023

Released in 2005, the AeroPress only really took off in 2008 when Starbucks shifted from batch-brewing to making single-servings. Since then it has sold millions of units worldwide. To this day it holds one of the highest approval ratings of any product anywhere at any time.

Like any spectacularly successful product, it has attracted more than its share of third-party add-ons and accessories. We take a look at some of the best and most useful AeroPress accessories that are currently available.

The Best Aeropress Accessories

aeropress espresso


The Puckpuck

If you’re a fan of low-acidity, high-body, caramelly cold brews, the puckpuck is an attachment that turns the AeroPress into a Kyoto-style cold-drip brewer

The puck is the chamber into which the plunger is pressed. This is a puck for the puck, hence ‘puckpuck’.

The puckpuck has an adjustable twist valve to control the drip rate. A splash filter in the puck (not the puckpuck) distributes the dripping ice water so that it spreads evenly throughout the grounds during extraction.

Bear in mind that cold brews take upwards of 4 hours to complete.

Fellow’s Prismo Espresso Attachment

The Prismo attachment’s small pressure-activated valve only opens when the right amount of pressure is applied. Its size means that the brewing water is funneled down into a narrow jet, recreating some of the effects of a low-powered espresso machine while the no-drip seal stops water seepage. 

Pro: The etched, removable stainless-steel filter does away with the need for paper filters. (Be careful not to shoot it into the bin when ejecting old coffee grounds.)


  • The filter has been specifically designed to work best with higher pressures
  • Well-made with sturdy, durable materials


  • If you don’t press hard enough, fines (granular detritus) can get through
  • Stirring and using less water enhances the espresso-style effect. You don’t need the Prismo to do this
  • Overpriced.

The Joe Presso

This attachment is a variation of the Prismo. Whereas the Prismo maximizes pressure by squeezing the brewed water through a single narrow aperture, the Joe Presso system creates a more even spread by using multiple apertures, turning its little stainless-steel basket into a dispersion screen that sprays jets of water into the ground coffee.

As with the Prismo, there’s a valve or gasket that only opens when the right pressure is reached.


  • The Joe Presso can get better results from coarser grinds


  • Somewhat overpriced.

difference an aeropress and a french press


These are organizers: cabinets replete with cupholders and shelves for the various bits and bobs (there’s a carpentry pun there) you use to make your cuppa joe.

Keeping everything in one place is always a good idea. It looks good, all neat and tidy is important if, like me, you’re of a nerdy disposition. Plus, you can see at a glance if anything is missing.

Hexnub Organizer

Bamboo is well-nigh indestructible as well as biodegradable. In practice, although individual bamboo strips are very durable, objects made of these strips tend to be fragile.

Either the glue holding together the strips gets old, loses its elasticity, or it’s so light that it crashes to the floor when your cat rubs against it. Either way, Fragility doesn’t belong in the kitchen.


  • It looks nice and it has red rubber drip mats on top and bottom


  • The build material is a concern. Recyclable bamboo sounds good in theory.
  • Overpriced. Bamboo is dirt-cheap. Anything made of bamboo should be relatively inexpensive, which is not the case where the Hexnub is concerned.

Barista Lab Stand for the AeroPress Organizer

A hybrid of the Hexnub and the Rusfol, this organizer is more versatile and possibly sturdier than either. It also combines the best features of both, capable of being deployed as a wall-mountable or stand-alone unit.


  • Plenty of space for your AeroPress accessories, filters, AeroPress components, and mugs
  • As well as protecting the bamboo construction from heat and moisture, precisely-fitted silicone dripper mats turn the storage space into a drying area


  • Anything made of bamboo needs to be anchored to something. Standalone shouldn’t be an option

Blue Horse Caddy


  • The Blue Horse Caddy is made from stainless steel. It will not succumb to rot or mold, making it highly durable
  • The non-slip rubber feet keep the caddy in place and won’t scratch up your countertops
  • Its sturdy construction justifies the higher price compared to other caddies


  • Simplistic with little extra space for other items
  • Expensive when considering it is the smallest caddy in this list

aeropress with brewers attachment


This is where the rubber meets the road where coffee-making is concerned. Too coarse a grind and the brewed water goes through the coffee too quickly. Too fine a grind and the brew water ‘tunnels’ its way through, not coming into full contact with enough of the coffee to extract its essence.

Either way, the effect is the same: a lot of the flavonoids are left behind.

Ceramic burrs are preferred, but steel is perfectly acceptable. These manual grinders are tiny and lightweight with detachable handles.

1Zpresso Q2 Grinder

  • A strong, lightweight aluminum build
  • Narrow enough to fit inside an AeroPress, this grinder has a 38mm stainless steel burr set
  • It has 30 grind settings with a difference of 25 microns between each set
  • The 1Zpresso Q2 will grind 15-20g at a time, which is as much as you need for one mug

Porlex Mini Stainless-Steel Coffee Grinder

  • The Porlex Mini is made in Japan, of stainless steel.
  • Its high-quality precision ceramic burrs are encased in stainless steel.
  • Robust, durable, and easy to clean.
  • Good for a French Press or espresso-style grind.


filters for aeropress


There are 3 types of coffee filters on the market:

Paper: Comes in different thicknesses. The thickest paper is so good at filtering out fines that it can impact the taste negatively. Much of coffee’s body and texture is derived from ultra-fine particulate matter. Removing even a portion of the ultra-fines can make coffee taste thin and watery.

It should be noted at this point that AeroPress inventor, Alan Adler recommends reusing paper filters as many as 10 or 12 times. Rinsing them with hot water has no appreciable effect on flavor.

There is some evidence to suggest that bleaching paper might affect its pore distribution. Until this is decided conclusively, it might be a good idea to stick to unbleached filter papers.

Cloth: Cloth filters lend coffee clarity & texture. It’s the nature of the fabric that larger fines are trapped while the smaller ones get through. The end result is a brew that looks clear when held to the light while still retaining body and texture.

Cloth filters last indefinitely if you clean them thoroughly immediately after use. Barista James Hoffmann recommends rinsing them, boiling them in water for 5-10mins, then leaving them to soak in water in an airtight container in the fridge.

Metal: While cloth and paper filters block the passage of coffee’s natural oils, metal filters don’t. The slightly chalky, salty flavor of these natural oils is what many coffee drinkers crave.

Metal filters used to be wire meshes in plastic frames. Now they are made by etching fine lines into stainless steel photochemically. They’re easy to clean and last indefinitely.

Brands That Make Filters for the AeroPress

Probably because they are so integral to the coffee-making process, filters have been largely overlooked as an accessory, which is unfortunate. Filters can and do make a crucial difference to the kind of coffee you make with your AeroPress.

  • Aesir Paper Filters: Aesir has taken the lead from other companies that make filters for laboratory analysis, aiming for a dense but even distribution of pores. By making the paper thicker, the flow through the filter is more controlled.
  • Able Disk Filters: Able are stainless steel filters.
  • The Cloth Filter Co.: This UK company’s seamless filters are made entirely from a blend of cotton and hemp, both organically sourced. Properly cleaned, they will last almost indefinitely.
  • CoffeeSock: CoffeeSock is an American-made cotton filter that is Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) certified. The GOTS is a worldwide organization that sets the standards for what is considered sustainable ecological and socially responsible textile manufacture.
  • AeroPress filters: AeroPress makes its own brand of bleached and unbleached filter paper.

aeropress myths

Best Aeropress Accessories – Extras

The 2Pour Splitter


  • This little add-on splits the stream of coffee from the AeroPress in two, diverting them into two cups at the same time.


  • Any unevenness in the coffee grounds or the pressure applied tends to result in uneven cups, one with more than the other.


A coffee mug designed specifically for the AeroPress.


  • It’s big enough that you can store your AeroPress inside it, like so: 
    • Take off the AeroPress filter cap and place it in the JavaJug.
    • Push the plunger all the way into the puck.
    • Place your AeroPress top down in the JavaJug.

Able Travel Cap


  • This travel cap is a cover that fits over the open end of the AeroPress plunger turning it into a storage compartment for anything that will fit.
  • It also serves as a base and stand when brewing with the inverted method.

AeroPress Accessories – Final Thoughts

Accessories are fun but expensive. Some are more useful than others. If you want something to spend your money on, spend it on coffee: brands from different countries, brands with a reputation.

If you feel the accessories can add value to your coffee experience, then they are worth the investment.

About The Author

Charl Joost

Charl is a trainer, public speaker, and professional writer. While he has been coached to niche down, he has many passions. These include golf, gardening, technology, and a decent cup of coffee or two. Charl loves to learn about new products and tries everything he writes about.

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